NOSHOK 1300 Series Differential Pressure Gauge User Manual

Gauge Inspection:
Please read the pr
gauge body to insure that this gauge is the same gauge
size, materials of construction, working pressure, di erential
pressure, etc. Inspect for any damage and, if discovered,
report it immediately.
Product Design Features:
The NOSHOK 1300 Series is designed for working pressures to
600 psig and di erential pressure to 600 psid. This series is
supplied, standard, with a 6” dial or, optionally, with a 4.5”
dial. The gauge has a 316L sensor cell, encapsulating op-
posed, high (+) and low (-) side SS membranes in a Halocar-
ressure works against the
movement is transferred to a torque-tube assembly, linked to
a horizontally moving, bidirectional overpressure valve (This
valve protects the sensor membranes against damage from
high (+) or low (-) side overpressure of the membranes in the
sensor cell.) A torsion rod, located within the torque-tube
assembly, passes through a sealed compr
(which isolates the sensor cell from the dial case assembly)
into the dial case and is connected to the pinion/sector gear
and pointer assembly. The twisting motion of the torsion rod,
Degree, linear arc and pointer travel.
Gauge Mounting:
The NOSHOK 1300 Series gauge is supplied, standard, with
four (4) threaded studs and locking nuts. The gauge is
mounted in the panel from front to back and secured to the
back of the panel with the threaded studs and locking nuts.
Optional 2” pipe mount kit or wall mount kits are available
(for units with top/bottom mount connections only)..
Gauge Connections:
Standard dual (2) x 1/4” FNPT top/bottom connections with
high (+) and low (-) connections clearly indicated. Optional
connection sizes and/or back connections are available
If the gauge is not indicating di erential pressure, check to
insure that both the high (+) and low (-) connections have
been properly installed. Check to insure that there is dif-
ferential pressure across the device being monitored by
the NOSHOK 1300 Series gauge. If the gauge is being used
together with a three-valve manifold (recommended), check
to insure that the high (+) and low (-) valves are in the open
position and the equalizer valve is in the closed position. If,
after following these steps with no positive result, please
contact the NOSHOK Customer Service Department or your
nearest NOSHOK Distributor.
Design and Operating Principle
• Process pressures p
and p
are applied to the chambers
- (2) and + (3).
• Di erential pressure across + and - pressure sides
• The displacement of the connection rod (5) is converted
through the use of a transmitting lever (6) into rotation,
which is transferred over an axial shaft (7) to the move-
ment (9).
• The torque pipe (8) seals, assuring a frictionless path.
• Overpressure protection in both directions up to the max.
static pressure rating is provided by contoured metal
Corporate Headquarters
1010 West Bagley Road
Berea, Ohio 44017
Ph: 440.243.0888
Fax: 440.243.3472
E-mail: [email protected]