KYORITSU 6202 User Manual
Page 16

6. Connection for the instrument and the device under test
When the DUT is equipped with a mains plug, use test socket, RPE -Test lead
and PE/2mA terminal for a measurement of protective conductor resistance,
insulation resistance and equivalent leakage current of DUT. But if not, connect
the DUT to L/N and PE/2mA terminal which are connected inparallel to the test
socket with the optional cord. Use one of the following test set ups, depending
upon the type and condition of the DUT.
6. 1 Safety Class I DUT with Mains Plug
6. 2 Safety Class II DUT with Mains Plug
6. 3 DUT Without Mains Plug or Safety Class lll DUT
6.4 3-Phase DUT
Switch the DUT on.
To enclosure for measurement of protective resistance
Test cord M-7129
RPE -Test lead Terminal
Connect to the test socket
To exposed metal parts
Test cord M-7129
PE/2mA termina
Switch the DUT on.
Switch the DUT on.
To enclosure for measurement of protective conductor resistance
Optional Cord
Safety Class Ⅲ
Switch the DUT on.
To enclosure for measurement of protective conductor resistance
Optional Cord