3 implementation peculiarities – KROHNE M8E Converter HART 0101 User Manual
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3 Implementation Peculiarities
All parameters and dynamic data are involved in HART transactions, i.e. can be handled from remote hosts. For
details refer to the “Transmitter-Specific Command Specification”.
4 HART/Field Communicator 275/375 (HC275/FC375)
4.1 Installation
The HC275/FC375 has to be programmed with the M8E HART Device Description. Otherwise the HC275/FC375
user will work with the instrument as a generic one thus loosing opportunity for entire instrument control.
4.2 Operating
Refer to the M8E Menu Tree HC275/FC375 (Attachment A).
The M8E operation via HC275/FC375 is made quite close to the manual instrument control via keypad.
The online help of each parameter contains its function number as a reference to the device’s local display and the
“Installation and Operating Instructions”.
While storing data in HC275 from connected instrument, the difference between “standard configuration” of HC275
and its “full configuration” consists in some read-only parameters (sensor limits, device modules’ IDs, etc.) that are
either transferred to AMS (“full configuration”) or are shown on AMS tabs as empty fields (“standard configuration”).
Clear the latter corresponds to situation when HC275
AMS configurations’ transfer is undertaken.