Introduction, 7 ifc 100 w – KROHNE OPTIFLUX 2000-4000-5000-6000 -IFC 100 Ex EN User Manual

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04/2009 - 7.30685.22.00 - EX IFC 100 en

1.7 IFC 100 W

The IFC 100 W is certified as a group II, category 2G and 2D equipment, for gas hazardous areas
zone 1 or 2, gas group IIC, temperature class T4 and dust hazardous areas zone 21 or 22, surface
temperature T135°C.
The Ex marking is Ex e [ia] mb IIC T4 and Ex tD A21 IP64 T135°C.

The connection compartment contains terminals for Power, Status/Pulse/Current, Sensor Coils
(all in type of protection Ex e) and Sensor signal (in type of protection Ex ia IIC). For the electrical
data of these terminals, refer to the handbook.