HT instruments HT4000 User Manual
Page 6

EN - 5
T/ key
The key
T/ has a dual function:
Æ Just press it to turn on the instrument. Press it for a longer time to turn off the
¾ T Æ If the key is pressed cyclically you can select the quantities on secondary display
(temperature, humidity, CMM/CFM and atmospheric pressure). The same key is also
used for programming (see § 4.6)
4.3.2. HOLD / RECALL key
The key HOLD / RECALL has a dual function:
¾ HOLD Æ Press it to activate function Data HOLD that is to say freezing of the
measured quantity value. The message "HOLD" is displayed. Press again to quit. The
key is not active when programming the instrument, selecting measuring unit and
recalling data to display.
¾ RECALL Æ Press the key for a longer time to recall the values of stored data to display
(see § 4.9)
S/ key
The key
S/ has a dual function:
¾ SÆ If the key is pressed cyclically you can select the quantities on secondary display
(temperature, humidity, CMM/CFM and atmospheric pressure). The key is used inside
the programming as well (see § 4.6)
Æ Press and hold the key to disable the function Auto power OFF. The symbol “ ”
disappears. The function is automatically activated at every restart. The key is not
active when programming the instrument, selecting measuring unit and recalling data to
4.3.4. MAX MIN key
By pushing MAX MIN key the parameter’s maximum, minimum and average values are
measured and they can be shown cyclically when pressing MAX MIN key. The display
shows the symbol linked to the selected function: The symbol “MAX” for maximum value,
“MIN” for minimum value and “AVG” for average value. On the main display the Max, Min
or AVG values are displayed and dynamically updated. Push MAX MIN key for some
seconds to quit this mode. The key is not active when programming the instrument,
selecting measuring unit and recalling data to display.
4.3.5. ESC / REC key
The key ESC / REC has many functions:
¾ REC Æ Just press the key to store the displayed result. (see § 4.8)
¾ ESC Æ It permits to quit cancellation mode of internal memory (see § 4.10)
¾ It permits to set the measurement values of volumetric flow. (see § 4.6)