Doric Instruments 1000 Pro Series Digital Panel meters are suitable User Manual
Page 12
1000-XDCA High Dc Current
The 1000-XDCA high Dc shunt meter accepts an input from
60,100 and 150 Vdc current shunts and scales the reading to the
desired full scale reading of between 50.0 and 2000 amps. Ranges
are selected by a combination of jumpers located on the main board
(see page 6). No other adjustments are necessary. Use the table on
the following page to configure the meter.
The following ranges can be selected as full scale:
50 amps
1000 amps
100 amps
1500 amps
200 amps
2000 amps
500 amps
Example 1. Configure the meter to display 500 amps Dc
full scale with a 100mVDc input. Install jumpers provided on
position 3.
Example 2. Configure the meter to display 1999 amps Dc full
scale with 60mVDc input. Install jumpers provided on positions
6,7,8 and 9.