Understanding your readings – Delmhorst Instrument J-LITE User Manual

Page 7

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Refer to the chart on page 5 for interpretation of meter readings.

Since the J-LITE displays %MC in a range between two val-
ues, corrections for wood temperature, pin, and species have
less impact on the accuracy of the meter readings, especially
below 12%. Meter readings taken on construction-grade lum-
ber material can be taken at face value, without making these
corrections for many applications. If your application requires
a higher level of accuracy (ex. finish flooring, furniture-mak-
ing) Delmhorst recommends applying the following correc-
tions, even with the limitations of the meter display.

Temperature – As wood temperature increases, its electrical
resistance decreases and indicated moisture content rises.
Lower wood temperatures result in lower indicated moisture
content. If the wood temperature, which is typically the ambi-
ent temperature, is between 50°F/10°C and 90°F/32°C, there
is no need to apply a correction. Refer to the temperature cor-
rection table at the end of the manual.

Pin (insulated vs non-insulated) – The reference calibration
of the meter was made with non-insulated pins that pene-
trate 5/16 inch. Insulated pins read slightly lower than non-
insulated ones. When using an electrode with insulated pins,
such as the 26-ES, refer to the pin corrections at the end of
the manual.

Species – Delmhorst uses Douglas Fir, the USDA standard, as
the basis for all wood calibrations. Because the electrical
characteristics of different wood species vary, all species read
differently at the same moisture content. For this reason, a
species correction is required. Refer to the species correction
table at the end of the manual.

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