Delmhorst Instrument JL-2000 User Manual
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If the meter does not display 17% it is likely an indication of a low battery.
Change the battery immediately. If the instrument still does not indicate a correct
calibration, return it to DELMHORST for service. See the Service For Your Meter
The battery compartment is located on the back of the meter handle. Use only a
9v alkaline. When the battery is removed and then reconnected, the meter
displays its software version for one second and then turns itself off.
A hard Reset may be required if, after changing the battery, the display is frozen.
This is sometimes caused by the interruption of contact between the battery and
the battery lead wire. Resolve this as follows: Disconnect the battery. Press and
hold the Read key for 15 seconds. Release the Read key. Press and hold the
Check key for 15 seconds. Release the Check key. Connect a fresh battery to
the lead wire in a single action, making sure to align the poles properly and
without interrupting contact. If the display remains frozen, repeat the procedure. If
this procedure does not resolve the problem, refer to the Service For Your Meter
Remove the protective cover from the top of the meter. Check that
the contact pins #2497/A-100 are firmly hand-tightened.
Press the read key (#1). The meter displays the %MC for two seconds.
To add a reading to the sum of all the previously stored readings, release the
read key within two seconds.
If you press and hold the read key the meter will repeat its read cycle but
will not add a new reading to memory.
Readings below 10.0% are
displayed with a “-” sign. Readings above 28% are
displayed as a blinking
“28”. Neither are added to the accumulated readings or
used in calculation of average or highest reading. Only readings between 10%
and 28% are included in the accumulation, highest, and average calculation.
The meter will accumulate up to 100 readings. After all 100 readings are stored,
the meter will not add new readings until the memory has been cleared. It will
also continue to display the average of all 100 readings as a reminder that the
memory is full.