DeFelsko PosiTector 6000 v.3.0 User Manual

Page 3

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Verify calibration by measuring N.I.S.T.-traceable coating
thickness standards or by placing the included precision
plastic shim standards on your uncoated metal.
Measurements should be within the combined tolerances of
the Standards and the Gage. (Contact your dealer to order

Measuring a plastic shim with a micrometer or other Gage
might not produce identical readings. This is due to
differences in both the contact pressure and shape of each
contact surface.

Adjustment To Zero (Zeroing)

Although the


requires no adjustment before

measuring most applications, significant substrate
variations can influence Gage readings.

Always check the Gage reads zero "0" on the uncoated
substrate or reads a known thickness accurately, especially
if the substrate changes in shape, diameter, composition,
surface roughness or when measuring in a different location
on the part. If necessary, make adjustments as described

NOTE: "FN" models retain separate "F" and "N" zero

settings. Adjustments are made to the currently displayed
substrate only.

Simple Zero Adjustment

(F, FS, FT, N, NS, NA, NAS, FN, FNS Gages)

Measure your uncoated part. If the Gage does not read
“0”or close to zero, lift the probe from the surface and adjust
the display down

∅ or up ⊕ until the display reads “0”.

Measure and adjust until the average of a series of readings
on the uncoated surface is “0”.

Average Zero Adjustment

On rough or curved surfaces the above method must be
repeated several times to get “0”. A preferred method is to
take several readings on the uncoated part and average the

1. Select the ZERO? menu option.
2. Press

⊕ to select the number of readings to be used to

obtain an average; typically 3 to 9 readings. The greater
the variation between readings, the more readings
should be taken to obtain an average. The display will
show the number of readings remaining; i.e. ZERO 5X?

3. Repeatedly measure the uncoated part in the same

area. After the last measurement the Gage will calculate
and display “0” as indicated by a “triple BEEP”. This “0”
represents the average of all the ZERO readings taken.

Adjustment To A Known Thickness

(F, FS, FT, N, NS, NA, NAS, FN, FNS Gages)

If an uncoated part is not available adjust the Gage to read
a known thickness such as another coated object,
Standards or plastic shims.

Measure the object. If the expected reading (within
tolerance) is not obtained, lift the probe from the surface
and adjust the display down

∅ or up ⊕ to the expected


Two Point Calibration

(FA, FHS Gages and Separate Microprobes only)

The FA and FHS Gages and all Separate Microprobes
should be checked to ensure that they are calibrated
correctly. One or two point calibration can be performed.

One point calibration can be performed either on the
uncoated part (ZERO) or at a known thickness (2ND PNT).

Two point calibration is the preferred method. This requires
taking a reading on both the uncoated part (ZERO?) and on
a known thickness (2ND PNT?) as follows:

1. “ZERO?” the Gage as described in the previous

“Average Zero Adjustment” section.

2. Select the 2ND PNT? menu option.
3. Press

⊕ to set the number of readings used to obtain an

average, typically 3 to 9. The greater the variation
between readings, the more readings should be taken to
obtain an average. The display will show the number of
readings remaining to be taken; i.e. “2NDPNT4X”

4. Repeatedly measure the known thickness (coated part,

a plastic shim or a Coating Thickness Standard) until the
display shows 2PT=value. Lift the probe from the
surface and adjust the display down

∅ or up ⊕ until the

display reads the known thickness value. Press

∅ ⊕

simultaneously to accept this value.

RESET Feature

Selecting RESET restores factory calibration settings and
returns the Gage to an out-of-the-box condition.

• all MODES are turned off (memory, statistics, HiLo).
• all readings in memory are erased.
• a zero reading and a ↑ symbol appears on the display.


↑ symbol disappears if the Gage is zeroed or


RESET is handy when:

• an uncoated object is not available to zero the probe on.
• an object of known thickness is not available to adjust

Gage readings to.

• you are uncertain what previous adjustments have been

made and wish to return the Gage to a known condition.

NOTE: Keep the probe away from metal while performing a


FN Combination Probes


probes combine the capabilities of both "F" and "N"


The probe first attempts a measurement using the magnetic
. If the coating is non-magnetic, within the probe’s
thickness range and the substrate is ferrous, a reading is
displayed with the letter "F".

If no valid reading is obtained with the magnetic principle
the probe automatically attempts a measurement using the
eddy current principle. If the coating is non-conductive,
within the probe’s thickness range and the substrate is a
non-ferrous metal, a reading is displayed with the letter "N".