Butcher block oil coupon, Insert drawers – Catskill Craftsmen 1428 User Manual

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Slide the drawers into place. Your Grand Americana is now ready to use.


C R A F T S M E N , I N C .

NAME _____________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________


CITY ______________________________________

STATE _________________________ ZIP _______

Please make checks payable to: Catskill Craftsmen Inc.

15 West End Ave. Stamford, NY 12167-1296

Catskill Craftsmen, Inc.

15 West End Ave.

Stamford, NY 12167-1296

C R A F T S M E N , I N C .

Please send me _____# of bottle(s) of the
Catskill Craftsmen Butcher Block Oil at $6.95.
My Check or Money Order is enclosed for a
total of $______________.
Item Code: 1428

rev. 5/6/13

For continued beauty and long life of your
Catskill Craftsmen cart, we recommend
Catskill Craftsmen’s Butcher Block Oil.
If you would like to purchase Butcher
Block Oil directly from Catskill Craftsmen’s
factory, we offer a reduced price. For one
eight ounce (8 fl. oz.) bottle, which is
sufficient for two applications, simply send
$6.95 along with the completed coupon to
the address below. If you prefer to use
MasterCard or Visa please visit us online at