Ampro Corporation LITTLE BOARD P5X User Manual
Page 56

External Termination Power Option
You can power external SCSI terminations from the Little Board/P5x. A jumper option, W2,
connects power (+5V) to the SCSI bus TERMPWR signal (J9, pin 26). The board includes a Schottky
protection diode to prevent damage to the board by current flowing from the SCSI bus and a self-
resetting fuse to prevent damage to the board should the output become shorted. The fuse resets
automatically when the short is removed.
Every SCSI device must be configured for a specific SCSI bus ID, between 0 and 7. The default ID
for the SCSI controller is 7 and should not be used by peripherals you attached to the SCSI bus. Set
disk drive and other SCSI target device IDs to 0 – 6. The SCSI BIOS automatically detects SCSI
devices on the bus and logs them in at boot time.