Assembly and adjustments (continued) – WEN 3912 10 inch band saw User Manual
Page 12

Assembly and adjustments (continued)
Figure 2
Stop Bolt
Hex Bolts
Table Installation (Figure 2)
1. Place the table on to the upper table trunnion,
takingcare when passing the saw blade through
the slot ofthe table (see Figure 2).
2. Attach M6 x 30 hex head bolt and nut to hole
next to theinsert in the table’s bottom. Locate
four M6 x 16 hex boltsand four M6 serrated
washers from the bag of looseparts. Mount the
table to the upper table trunnion andinstall a bolt
with a washer in each hole. Tighten with an
adjustable wrench.
Centering the table
1. Loosen the four hex bolts mounting the table to theupper table trunnion (see Figure 2).
2. Move the table sideways as required, until the sawblade runs through the center of the table
3. If moving the upper-table trunnionstill doesn’tcenter the table, loosen the four flange nuts
holdingthe lower-table trunnion in place and move the table sidewaysto center it.
4. Retighten hex bolts for trunnion and flange nuts. Recheck the saw blade position.
90° Table Stop (Figure 3, 4)
Refer to Figures 3 and 4.
Loosen the knob on the lower table trunnion and
place a suitably sized square against the saw
blade. If the table requires adjustment, proceed as
1. Using a wrench, release the hex nut on the
bolt (see Figure 3).Place the wrench on the
hex bolt and adjust until the table is square to
the saw blade.
2. Tighten the hex nut and recheck the saw blade and
the table for squareness.
Figure 3
Hex Bolt
Hex Nut
3. Lock the table into position and check that the
indicator reads zero degrees on the side of the
lower table trunnion. Loosen the screw securing
the indicator and reset if necessary to give a zero-
degree reading (see Figure 4).
Figure 4