Wellsaw 58BW User Manual

Page 7

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Blade brushes should be cleaned frequently with

kerosene or a good solvent. To take advantage of both
rows of bristles, invert blade brushes and install them
on the opposite side of the blade.

For best results, replace worn, fi lled or sticky brush-

es. When bolting brushes to the mounting angles, be
sure wire bristles are turned in the same direction that
the blade travels.


1. Check the blade fi t between guide bearings by

grasping the blade between the guide and the band

2. Twist blade back and forth.
3. If too much clearance is found, rotate the eccentric

axle (34), page 12, until the bearing (32) is snug
against blade and all clearance has been removed.

4. Check guide bearing (32) with thumb by applying

force against bearing. It should be possible to rotate
the bearing while it is snug against the blade and all
clearance has been removed.

5. When looseness has been corrected, make another

cut. If the cut is not straight, further adjustment must
be made.

6. Place a square on the cut. Determine if the blade is

cutting toward or away from the bed or if it is out of
square with the vise.

7. If the vise is out of square, correct this by squaring

the vise with the slot in the saw bed.

8 If the cut is out of square on the vertical dimension,

correct this by moving the guides either away from
or towards the saw bed. This is accomplished as

a. Loosen the 2 cap screws (31), which hold the

guide (28) to the guide brackets (23 & 37). Hold

the guide from twisting and tap it in the desired

direction until the blade is square with the saw

bed. To do this:

1. Place a spacer between the frame wheel

guard and the switch box raising the blade

teeth just over the saw bed.

2. Place a machinist’s square on the saw bed

and move it to touch the body of the saw

blade - making sure it does not touch the



3. Use a feeler gauge, .002” or less, to see that

the lade is square from top to bottom. If

further adjustment is needed, loosen cap

screws on one blade guide and rotate guide

so the feeler gauge will not enter at top or

bottom. Do not move guide sideways. This

may move the blade out of square with the

vise. Tighten cap screws.


Correct and adequate lubrication is very important

to achieve maximum service. It is imperative that all
dust and dirt be removed before lubricating.

Marfak Grade “O” Grease, or equivalent, is used

in the gear case. Other parts of the saw may be lubri-
cated as follows:

1. Vise adjusting screw. Use a heavy oil or light


2. Keep internal ring gear and pinion well lubricated

with a good quality, medium grade, fi brous grease.

3. Wheel ball bearings are sealed and permanently


4. For proper motor lubrication, follow the motor man-

ufacturer’s instructions.



Service interval; inspect after 3 years and



Lubricant: Mobilgrease XHP220 or



Lubricant: Use Anti-seize on vise screw

Use Extreme Pressure Open Gear Lube on ring

and pinion gears sparingly.


1. To select proper blade, consider the type of mate-

rial to be cut as well as to its size and shape. The
SELECT-O-CHART is a handy reference guide.

2. Use the correct blade speed and correct pressure

for each type of material cut.

3. Always maintain proper blade tension.
4. Lower saw frame carefully so that the blade will

start cutting before full frame feed pressure is ap-
plied to the blade.

5. Reduce feeding pressure for the fi rst two or three

cuts with a new blade.

6. Keep the adjustable blade guide as close as pos-

sible to the material being cut.

7. Keep blade brushes in contact with the blade teeth

at all times.

Recommended Service Kit

for Insurance Against Downtime

2 years

100406-001 Bearing




“V” Belt

1 req’d


Blade Brush

2 req’d

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