Wellsaw 1000 User Manual
Page 3

Before making any adjustments, always try a new
blade to be sure that the old blade was not causing
the difficulty.
To align the blade horizontally, be sure fixed vise
is square with the slot in top of bed, then square
blade with vise.
For the vertical alignment, raise frame until blade
just clears bed, then place edge of square on bed
with end against blade, being careful not to contact
tooth set. Use feeler gauge not to exceed .002",
adjust blade so that feeler gauge will not enter at
top or bottom between end of square and blade at
both front and rear guides.
Adjust the side roller guides (100416-3) with the
eccentric axle until both rollers contact blade. When
this adjustment is made, the roller should be adjusted
so that the PATH of the BLADE IS STRAIGHT and
blade is not forced to curve around the rollers. The
top roller guide (100406-2) should be in contact with
top edge of blade at all times. When running idle, this
contact pressure should be very light.
If the blade runs too low or off the idler wheel, ad-
just the idler wheel block. Loosen, by one-half turn,
the two cap screws in the block at the hand wheel
end, and tighten by an equal amount the two cap
screws in the opposite end of the block.
To make similar adjustment on drive wheel, loosen,
by one-half turn, the two cap screws at motor end of
the wheel plate. Then make pitch adjustment: loosen
by one-half turn, the two hollow head set screws at
the opposite end of plate, and tighten the two hex
head cap screws at motor end of wheel plate. After
final adjustment, make certain that all hollow head
cap screws and set screws are tight.
If there is too much pitch on the wheel, the blade
will run too high. This will cause the blade to be-
come distorted, the top edge will he rolled over and
the wheel rim flange will show excessive wear.
To correct this condition, loosen two cap screws at the
end of idler wheel block farthest from hand wheel,
then tighten two cap screws at opposite end of idler
wheel block. To reduce pitch on drive wheel, loosen
two cap screws in drive wheel plate at the end oppo-
site the motor, then match pitch adjustment by tight-
ening two hollow head set screws at the same end of
the wheel plate. The four cap screws should then be
tightened to hold motor plate in a rigid and fast
Correct and adequate lubrication is a very important
factor in determining the life and service to be ob-
tained. It is imperative that all dust and dirt be re-
moved before lubricating.
Texaco Marfax grade "0" grease, or equivalent, is
used in the gear case. Other parts to be greased are
as follows:
1. Vise adjusting screw. Use a heavy oil or light
2. Keep internal ring gear and pinion well greased
with a good quality fibrous type grease. (Medium
3. Wheel ball bearings are lubricated with a good
quality ball bearing grease.
4. Apply a few drops of machine oil to the frame pivot
bar periodically.
5. For proper motor lubrication, follow motor manu-
facturers instructions as stated on the motor.
1. To select the proper blade, consideration must
be given to the type of material, as well as size
and shape of stock to be cut. The WELLS-SEL-
ECT-O-CHART is a handy reference guide.
2. Use correct blade speed and pressure for each type
of material.
3. Always keep blade at proper tension.
4. Lower saw frame carefully so that the blade will
start cutting before full frame feed pressure is applied
to the blade.
5. Reduce feeding pressure for the first 2 or 3 cuts with
a new blade.
6. Keep adjustable blade guide as close as possible to
the material.
7. Keep blade brushes in contact with blade teeth at all
Please provide following Informal Ion:
Model Number
Serial Number
Part Description and Number
as shown In Paris Llst.
Address order to:
2829 N. Burdick
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49007, U.S.A.
Telephone: 269-345-1132 FAX: 269-345-0095