USGlobalsat ER-112 User Manual
Page 13

Specifications are subject to be changed without notice.
Page 13 of 15
Version 1.3
Example: Set DGPS Port to be 9600,8,N,1
D.) Query/Rate Control ID:103 Query standard NMEA message and/or set output rate
This command is used to control standard NMEA data output messages: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC,
and VTG. Using this command message, standard NMEA message is polled once, or setup for
periodic output. In addition, checksums may also be enable or disable contingent on receiving
program requirements. NMEA message settings are stored in a battery-backed memory for each entry
when the message is accepted.
Example 1: Query the GGA message with checksum enabled
Example 2: Enable VTG message for a 1Hz constant output with checksum enabled
Example 3: Disable VTG message
E.) LLA Navigation initialization ID:104 Parameters required to start using Lat/Lon/Alt
This command is used to initialize the GPS module for a “Warm” start, providing real-time position
(Latitude, Longitude, Altitude coordinates), clock offset, and time. This action enables the GPS
receiver to search for the necessary satellite signals at the correct signal parameters. The newly
acquired and stored satellite data will enable the receiver to acquire signals more quickly, and thus,
generate a rapid navigational solution.
When a valid LLA Navigation Initialization command is receive, then the receiver will restart using the
input parameters as a basis for satellite selection and acquisition.