Tele Vue NP127is User Manual

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1.0 Getting Acquainted with the Tele Vue-NP127is

1.1 Optical tube assembly

The NP optical design contains four elements consisting of two widely spaced, air-spaced doublet groups.

The forward group of lenses are contained in a stainless steel lens cell. The cell attaches to the main tube

via three alignment screws. The front cell is encased within the sliding dew shield. The rear doublet, mak-

ing up the rest of the objective, is larger in diameter than the previous NP127 and provides additional

illumination at the edge of the field. This benefit is especially useful for large format CCD chips which

are extremely sensitive to light fall-off. The rear lens group is housed in the cell that threads between the

back of the tube and the focuser. Never stick any long objects into the focuser or you will hit the rear-most

lens surface.

1.2 Focuser

The 2.4” output side of the NP127is focuser is designed to pass all of the field rays exiting the rear ele-

ments of the objective, as the forward end of the draw tube has a 3” internal diameter. A larger focuser,

therefore, lends no additional illumination benefit.

The NP127is is shipped in its “visual” configuration. The 2” Accessory Adapter sits within the 2.4”

inside diameter of the drawtube. Thumb

screws pass through both the drawtube and

adapter to cinch a brass clamp ring around 2”

accessories. With three thumb screws there

is enough holding power for the heaviest of

visual accessories!

The two tension screws on the top of the

focuser body can be adjusted to add resistance

when using heavy equipment. These tension

screws tighten against a brass clamp ring,

which then cinches down on the Teflon sleeve

in which the draw tube slides. For photography

it is not necessary to tighten beyond the need

to keep a camera stationary but we do recom-

mend to tighten them in unison to avoid any

focus shift. Note that even when sufficiently

tight, the focuser knobs can still drive the draw


The end ring can be adjusted (and locked)

to compensate for any tilt effects seen in CCD

imaging. Lock screws in the end of the draw

tube tighten against either the taper of the

127mm Front

Lenses and Cell

Dew Shield in

retracted position

Main Tube

Rear Lens Cell

Focuser Body

Draw Tube

End Ring

Focuser Pinion Assembly

Lock Knob

Draw Tube Tension

Fine Focus

Coarse Focus

10:1 Knob

1:1 Knob

Lock Screws


Jack Screws (typical)

Jam Screws


Digital Indicator Kit

Mounting Points

1:1 Knob

Drawtube Tension

Screw (typical)

Focuser with 2” accessory adapter in place

2” Accessory
