Airvantage servicing - check valve – SANDPIPER RHDB2 Metallic User Manual
Page 32

Model RHDB2 Page 30
AirVantage - Check Valve Assembly
To service the check valve, first shut off and bleed the air being supplied to the pump. For safety
purposes the air supply line should be disconnected from the pump. Then shut off the suction
and discharge lines to the pump. Bleed the pressure from the pump suction and discharge
lines and remove the lines from the pump. During the servicing of the AirVantage, consult the
“AirVantage Composite Repair Parts Drawing” (Page 11)
Step #1: Remove the Patch Cable
Twist the ribbed portion of the patch cable connector in the counterclockwise direction, until it
un-threads from the connector. The cable can be either be removed from the intermediate or
from the control module.
Step #2: Remove the AirVantage from the Pump
Use a ½” socket and remove the four 5/16 x 5 ½ cap screws that hold the AirVantage to the
pump. Remove the two chamber bolts/nuts that are holding the right side bracket to be able to
remove the right bracket and the AirVantage unit from the pump. Be sure to support the weight
of the AirVantage while removing the last cap screw. After the AirVantage is removed from the
pump, set the unit down on the plastic cover located on the bottom. Inspect the o-ring between
the poppet valve and adapter plate for damage.
Step 3: Remove the Check Valve from the Pump
Use a ½” socket and remove the four 5/16 x 2 ½ cap screw that holds the check
valve to the pump.
Step 4: Inspect Check Valve
Using a 1 ¼” open socket wrench, remove the cartridge valve. Inspect o-rings and mechanism
for any signs of wear, degradation, or damage. If any is present, replace with new cartridge valve
assembly. Remove any remaining fluid contamination on inside of body and/or cartridge valve.
Be careful not to lose the large and small o-rings on either face of the check valve body.
Step 5: Re-assembly of Check Valve
Apply a thin layer of white lithium grease to the threads on the valve cartridge. Insert cartridge
valve into body and hand-tighten being careful not to pinch o-ring. Using a 9” torque wrench
with crow-foot, torque cartridge vale to 250 in-lbs. Re-apply o-rings, as necessary, to both faces
of check valve. After applying Blue Loctite 248, 222 (or equivalent) secure check valve back to
pump with four 5/16 x 2 ½ cap screws, re-torque to 90 in-lbs.
To secure the AirVantage, re-install the four 5/16 x 5 ½ cap screws, torquing to 90 in-lbs. Re-
install Patchcable.
AirVantage Servicing - Check Valve