Trouble shooting – RIKON Power Tools 30-251 User Manual

Page 16

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Nois y operation

1. Inc orrec t belt tens ion.

1. A djus t tens ion.

2. Dry s pindle.

2. Lubric ate s pindle.

3. Loos e s pindle pulley .

3. Chec k ing tightnes s of retaining nut
on pulley and tighten if nec es s ary .

4. Loos e m otor pulley .

4. Tighten s ets c rews in pulley s .

Drill bit burns

1. Inc orrec t s peed.

1. A djus t s peed.

m aterial

2. Chips not c om ing out of hole.

2. Retrac t drill bit frequently to c lear c hips .

3. Dull drill bit.

3. Res harpen drill bit.

4. Feeding too s low.

4. Fas ter the s peed.

5. Not Lubric ated

5. Lubric ate drill bit.

Drill bit leads off,

1. Hard grain in wood or lengths

1. Res harpen drill bit c orrec tly .

hole not round

of c utting lips and/ or angles
not equal.
2. B ent drill bit.

2. Replac e drill bit.

W ood s plinters

1. No "bac k up m aterial"

1. Us e "bac k -up m aterial"

on unders ide of

under work piec e.

work piec e

W ood piec e pulled

1. Not s upported or

1. S upport work piec e or c lam p it.

loos e from hands

c lam ped properly .

Drill bit binds

1. W ork piec e pinc hing drill bit

1. S upport work piec e or c lam p it.

in work piec e

or ex c es s ive feed pres s ure.
2. Im proper belt tens ion, belt s lips .

2. A djus t belt tens ion.

E x c es s ive drill bit

1. B ent drill bit.

1. Us e a s traight drill bit.

runout or wobble

2. W orn s pindle bearings .

2. Replac e bearings .

3. Drill but not properly

3. Ins tall drill bit properly .

ins talled in c huc k .
4. Chuc k not properly ins talled.

4. Ins tall c huc k properly .

Quill Returns too

1. S pring has im proper tens ion.

1. A djus t s pring tens ion.

s low or too fas t

Chuc k will not s tay

1. Dirty , greas e, or oil on the

1. Us ing a hous ehold detergent c lean the

attac hed to s pindle, tapered ins ide s urfac e of

tapered s urfac e of the c huc k and s pindle

it falls off when try ing c huc k or on the s pindles

to rem ove all dirt, greas e and oil.

to ins tall it

tapered s urfac e.

Trouble Shooting