Modern stubble cultivation, Today residues management has three main functions – Maschio Gaspardo UFO User Manual
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TOday residUes managemenT has Three main FUncTiOns:
mOdern sTUBBLe cULTiVaTiOn
Straw incorporation
Residues mixing on the top soil at a depth of 2" - 5" promotes straw decomposition and nutrient
release. While conventional discs just size residues, UFO chops, pulverizes and incorporates them
at shallow depth.
Soil structure restoring and field conditioning
UFO preserves soil structure without aggressive soil movement and no compaction in relation
to conventional discs. It also promotes an increase of organic matter content on superficial
soil layers, creating an ideal environment for soil bacteria. This tillage operation covers 60%
of residues while 40% are left on the top, preventing from erosion and improving water
● Weed control
To achieve maximum yield potential, it is necessary to get rid of weed competition.
The UFO does a great job of reducing weed competition.