Installation, Caution warning – Lincoln Electric IM871 POWER-ARC 5500 User Manual

Page 14

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The POWER-ARC 5500 three-wire, grounded neutral
generator allows it to be connected to premises
wiring. However, the wiring procedure needed to
meet the National Electrical Code (NEC) regulations
as well as city ordinances and can be confusing. The
connections could vary from a "commonly grounded"
to a "separately derived" system depending on
whether you want the unit to be "hard wired" or tem-
porary to the premises.

On ly a

a ll i ce n s ed, c

c er t i fi ed, ttr a in e d e

e l ect r i ci an

should iinstall tthe m

machine tto a

a p

premises o

or rresi-

dential e

electrical s

system. B

Be c

certain tthat:

• T

The p

premises iis iisolated a

and n

no ffeed b


into tthe u

utility s

system c

can o

occur. C

Certain s


and llocal llaws rrequire tthe p

premises tto b

be iisolat-

ed b

before tthe g

generator iis llinked tto tthe p


es. C

Check y

your s

state a

and llocal rrequirements.

• A

A d

double p

pole, d

double tthrow ttransfer s

switch iin

co n j u n cti o n w

w i th tth e p

pr o pe r ly rr ate d d

do u bl e

throw c

circuit b

breaker iis c

connected b

between tthe

generator p

power a

and tthe u

utility m


The POWER-ARC 5500 does not have a combined
120/240 volt twist-lock receptacle and cannot be
connected to a premises as described in other
Lincoln literature.

Remember that the POWER-ARC 5500 is intended
only for backup, intermittent use power. Oil level must
be checked after every 5 hours of use. It cannot with-
stand long-term use without proper maintenance.
See the MAINTENANCE section of this manual and
the engine owner’s manual for more information.

Certain electrical devices cannot be powered by the
POWER-ARC 5500. Refer to Table A.2 for these


Auxiliary power is protected by circuit breaker. When
the machine is operated in high temperature environ-
ments, the breakers may tend to trip at lower loads
than normally.

Never b

bypass tthe c

circuit b

breakers. W

Without o


l oa d p

pr o tec ti o n , tth e P

POWER-A RC 5500 c

co u l d

overheat a

and/or c

cause d

damage tto tthe e


being u
