Task server setup, Planning to deploy a task server for reports, Chapter 2 – Apple Remote Desktop User Manual
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Task Server Setup
Task Server can run on either an administrator computer or a
dedicated remote computer that accepts jobs from the
Remote Desktop application.
Planning to Deploy a Task Server for Reports
If you plan on using a Task Server to collect cached report data from client computers,
make sure you have enough processing power, network bandwidth, and storage on
the Task Server computer. You can run the Task Server on either the administrator
computer or a dedicated remote computer. The default Task Server is the administrator
computer on which you installed Remote Desktop. If you later change which computer
runs the Task Server, the database is re-created on the new computer.
The following considerations should be met:
Have enough bandwidth for all the clients to upload their report information.
With a large number of clients per Task Server, the network usage from the clients as
they upload their report data could overwhelm the network, reducing performance
and even overwhelming the network buffer on the Task Server.
If network throughput is a concern, the bandwidth throttling features of Apple
Remote Desktop 3 can be used.
If your network infrastructure can’t handle the number of simultaneous client data
updates, you should divide the load between network segments using additional
Task Server computers.
Increasing the number of Task Server computers and dividing the network may lead
to better performance and better network citizenship. However, since there is no way
to aggregate report data across Task Servers and display it on one administrator
computer, you would need multiple administrators to balance your network load.
If you use a single database for a large number of clients, you may need to stagger
the generation of report caches.