FallTech DuraTech Series SRL’s User Manual

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Below are applications for which the FallTech DuraTech SRL is
specifically suited. This list is not all-inclusive, but is intended to
anticipate the most common applications in which this product may be
used. If you have questions about whether this product is suitable for
your particular application, please consult a competent person or contact
FallTech for further advice.

Be sure to consult Section 5 of this instruction manual for details on
anchorage considerations, as the anchorage and its relationship to the
walking/working surface will be an important factor in determining
suitability and could contribute to the outcome of a fall event. Use of an
anchor point that is not properly rated could lead to a catastrophic failure
of your PFAS, possibly resulting in serious injury or death..

Direct Overhead Applications: This product is suitable for use in any
application where the properly rated anchorage is directly above the
walking/working surface, and allows for a maximum Free-Fall Distance of
2 feet.

Horizontal Lifelines: This product is suitable for use in any application
where a horizontal lifeline has been installed under the guidance of a
qualified person, and where the Free-Fall Distance does not exceed 5

Residential Construction: This product is suitable for use in residential
construction applications provided the anchorage meets the basic
requirements outlined in Section 5 of this instruction manual.

Residential Roofing: This product is suitable for use in residential roofing
applications provided that the anchorage meets the basic requirements
of Section 5 of this instruction manual, and provided it is used with a
compatible SRL roof anchor (i.e. “swivel-anchors”, “trees” and
“whirlybirds”), with Free-Fall limited to 5 feet or less.

General Construction: This product is suitable for use in general
construction applications provided the anchorage meets the basic
requirements outlined in Section 5 of this instruction manual, Free-Fall
does not exceed 5 feet, and there is no exposure to a sharp leading

Climbing/Fixed Ladders: This product is suitable for use on fixed ladders
or in conjunction with fixed ladder equipment, provided that the
anchorage meets the basic requirements outlined in Section 5 of this
instruction manual and provided that it is used in conjunction with a Full


Body Harness (FBH) containing a front or chest d-ring. Free-Fall must
not exceed 2 feet.

General Industrial Use: This product is suitable for use in general
industrial applications provided the anchorage meets the basic
requirements of Section 5 of this manual and provided that it is not
exposed to sharp edges, electrical hazards or prolonged exposure to
highly corrosive environments or substances.
If you have any questions regarding the suitability of this product for
your specific application, please consult with a competent person or
contact FallTech before using. Misuse of this product may result in
serious injury or death.

3.3: Restricted Applications

Leading-Edge Work: The DuraTech series of SRL’s may be used in
leading edge work, but extreme care must be taken to ensure that the
SRL cable does not engage or come in contact with any sharp, jagged or
abrasive edges in the course of working or in the projected fall path.

Offshore Oil Rigs: For offshore oil rigs and other similarly corrosive
environments, FallTech strongly recommends the use of a DuraTech
model containing the SS suffix (i.e. 7232SS), which contain stainless
cable, pressure plate and attachment end connector).

Harsh Chemical Environments: Acids and other caustic chemicals can
cause damage to this SRL and its components. Damage from chemical
exposure can be difficult to detect and FallTech recommends frequent
replacement and/or factory service.

Arborist Applications: This product should never be used in arborist
applications or tree-trimming applications.

Aerial Lifts: This product is not approved for use in aerial lifts, bucket
trucks or scissor lifts.

Extended Free-Falls: The maximum allowable Free-Fall for a DuraTech
SRL is 5’. Certain applications are restricted to a shorter Free-Fall. See
Section 3.2 for allowances by application. If you have questions about
your specific application, contact FallTech for advice.

Heavyweight: This product should not be used in applications where the
total weight of the user (including clothing, tools and equipment) exceeds
310 lbs. Model #’s ending in HW have a maximum capacity of 400