FallTech DuraTech Series SRL’s User Manual

Page 13

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8.2: Daily/Incidental Use

OSHA 1910.66 and OSHA 1926.502 (as well as ANSI Z359.1-2007
and ANSI A10.32-2004) specifically require that the user inspect all
fall protection equipment prior to each use to ensure proper
function and to ensure that the equipment is in serviceable
condition. Failure to do so may result in serious injury or death.

FallTech requires that the following steps be taken during each
inspection prior to use of this DuraTech Series Cable SRL:

1. Check the load-indicating swivel carabiner at the attachment

end of the SRL. If the red indicator is visible between the swivel
mechanism and the carabiner body, then the SRL has been
subjected to fall arrest forces and must immediately be removed
from service.

2. Pull approximately 4 feet of cable out of the unit and hand-lock

the unit by pulling sharply on the line. Repeat this procedure
three times – if the unit does not lock up each time, or if it “slips”
after locking up, immediately remove the unit from service and
have it replaced.

3. Ensure that the SRL cable extends and retracts freely.
4. Using gloved hands to avoid injury, pull the complete length of

webbing out of the unit and look for kinks, knots, fraying,
corrosion, surface contamination or evidence of damage from an
electrical arc or welding splatter. Surface contamination should
be removed with a damp rag and a simple solution of soapy
water. Any damage to the cable may indicate an unsafe
condition, and the SRL should be removed from service.

5. In the event that the cable should become locked, and will not

pay out from the housing, this condition can easily be remedied
in the field by taking the steps below:

a. Lay the SRL on a flat surface.
b. Place one hand on the SRL housing, holding it tightly

against the flat surface.

c. With the other hand, grasp the load-indicating swivel

carabiner by the eye, just below the ball and spring buffer

d. Slowly push the cable into the housing until the buffer

assembly is entirely compressed.

e. Slowly release the pressure on the buffer assembly, and

then pull the cable out of the housing – it should now be
unlocked and in working order.



This condition can be avoided by using the tagline as
discussed in Section 3.4, paragraphs 5 and 6.

6. Inspect the exit bushing for excessive wear, sharp edges or

burring. If these conditions exist and are beginning to cause
damage to the cable, remove the SRL from service.

7. Inspect the carabiner gates at the anchorage and attachment

ends of the product to ensure proper locking function. If the
gates do not close and lock automatically, then the SRL should
be removed from service.

8. Check the SRL housing and anchorage handle for signs of

cracking or denting. Also check for loose screws and any bent,
cracked or damaged parts. If the SRL exhibits any structural
damage, then remove it from service immediately.

9. Ensure that all metal components are free of corrosion, and that

there is no evidence of cracking, denting or distortion.

10. Ensure that all labels and warnings remain attached and that

they are legible.

11. If the SRL fails to pass inspection on any of these points, or if

there is any doubt as to whether it is in proper working order,
immediately remove it from service.

8.3: Mandatory Semi-Annual Inspection

ANSI Z359.1-2007 requires that all fall protection equipment be
inspected by a competent person other than the user at least once each
year. FallTech strongly encourages that all fall protection equipment be
inspected by a competent person other than the user at least once every
six months.

This inspection should be noted in the inspection log on pages 27
and 28, along with any deficiencies. This inspection should also be used
as an opportunity to counsel any authorized persons with respect to any
deficiencies that they may have failed to note in their daily inspections.