Using bios – Elitegroup C7VCM2 (V1.0) User Manual

Page 38

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Using BIOS

DRAM Clock (By SPD)
This item sets the DRAM clock module.
DRAM Timing (Auto By SPD)
This item selects the DRAM timing mode.

SDRAM CAS Latency (DDR/DDR 2.5/4): This item determines the operation

of DDR SDRAM memory CAS (column address strobe). It is recommended
that you leave this item at the default value. The 2.5T setting requires faster
memory that secifically supports this mode.

Bank Interleave (Disabled): Depending on your SDRAM module structure,

the 4-Way setting can offer the best performance. If you choose the wrong
setting, the computer system will not run in a stable number.

Precharge to Active (Trp):This item specifies the the amount of time from a

bank precharge request to when it can be activated. It is usually recom-
mended you use the lowest Trp which your RAM and motherboard can run
stable with.

Active to Precharge (Tras):This item specifies the the amount of time

required between an active command to a precharge command.

Active to CMD (Trcd):This item specifies the the amount of time in cycles for

issuing an active command and the read/write commands.

REF to ACT/REF (Trfc):This item means AutoRefresh period.

ACT(0) to ACT(1) (TRRD): This item means ACT(0) to ACT(1) delay.

Read to Precharge (Trtp) (2T)

This item defines the precharge operation always starts one clock following the Read
command, independent of CAS Latancy.

RDSAIT selection:This item enable or disable to select the RDSAIT mode.

Write to Read CMD (Twtr) (1T/2T)

This item species CMD between a valid write command and the next read command.

Write Recovery Time (Twr) (4T)

Use this item to specify the time measured from the last write datum is safely registered by
the DRAM.

DRAM Command Rate (2T Command)

When the host (northbridge locates the desired memory address, it then processors the wait
state of commands.

RDSAIT mode (Auto)

This item enable or disable the RDSAIT mode.

Press to return to the Advanced Chipset Features page.