Your next step, Groundwater guide – Davey Groundwater Guide User Manual
Page 3

Testing the water
Apart from health and legal reasons, a water quality test is strongly advised from your pump supplier’s point of view, to
ensure there are no elements which may affect the pump.
The test should use flowing water pumped from the hole after at least one hour’s continuous pumping. Testing can be
done by either Government or private laboratories; your Water Resource Authority can advise you.
Guarding against Iron Bacteria
Iron Bacteria is a naturally occurring organism which can seriously affect your pump system and borehole if not controlled.
Not all groundwater contains Iron Bacteria, but if found it must be controlled. The most effective treatment is chemical
treatment with antibacterial acids - consult your Davey dealer or your driller.
Can the hole change over time?
It is not unusual for the dimensions or characteristics of a hole to change as a result of:
• droughts or extended wet periods
• overpumping causing geological instability (ie: a collapsed hole)
• movement in the earth’s crust
• bacterial or chemical influence or the aquifer (eg: iron bacteria)
• the influence of others pumping from the same aquifers
Pumping water from your hole
The volume of water you can pump will be determined by the water available, the size and dimensions of the hole and
how it is equipped.
In heavily developed aquifers your State or Territory Government may place restrictions to protect the long term supply.
With a properly equipped and installed pump system, you should be able to pump water without large quantities of fines
(sand and silt), and maintain the water level sufficiently above the pump inlet reducing any chance of the pump sucking air
(vortexing), both of which can lead to pump damage.
Your next step
Once your bore or well has been installed you will need to provide your Davey dealer with the information they need to
specify the required pump and accessory equipment.
It is recommended you complete the attached questionnaire and take it to your Davey dealer.
Groundwater Guide