Where is groundwater found, What is the best way to access your groundwater, Drilling your hole for groundwater – Davey Groundwater Guide User Manual

Page 2: Groundwater guide

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Where is groundwater found?

Groundwater or subterranean water, can occur in a variety of ways. The least
common is as an underground river or reservoir. Most groundwater is contained
in a water-bearing strata called an aquifer. An aquifer can be made up of a variety
of materials, such as coarse sand, fractured granite, or shale, which can affect the
ease with which the water can be obtained and the quality of the water itself. It is
not unusual to strike more than one aquifer as you drill for groundwater.

What is the best way to access
your groundwater?

Unless your groundwater is accessible from an artesian spring, the most
common way to access it is to draw it from a well, borehole or sandspear.

The type of hole you drill will depend on the depth to water, the volume of
water you want and the volume the bore or well is able to deliver.

If the water is less than 6 metres below the surface a well or sandspear may be
sufficient. If the water is deeper a bore is normally required; the higher the flow
required, the larger the hole diameter must be to fit the pumping equipment.

Drilling your hole for groundwater

There are several steps you need to follow in drilling a hole for groundwater:

Positioning the hole
The hole must be positioned vertically above the water source or aquifer; you can
locate the water source through:

• your Government Water Resource Authority or a qualified Hydro Geologist
• your local well driller
• consulting a water diviner or picking a spot yourself (these 2 methods are the

least reliable)

To protect the water quality, position the hole to ensure it is not affected by:

• septic tank drain field systems
• feed lots
• land fill sites
• other equipped bores

Obtaining a license for the hole
Depending on the regulations of your State or Territory, you will generally need a
license to drill. Check with your local Water Resource Authority.

Specifications for your hole
On completion, your Driller should provide, in addition to any requirements of
your State or Territory authorities, a signed record of drilling the hole detailing the

• the geological strata penetrated, including type and depth

(i.e. what was drilled through)

• the standing water level
• a complete casing and screen record showing size, type, length and location
• test data from the hole eg. capacity and draw down
• the location and type of water bearing strata

This handy guide contains the information you need to know about obtaining
groundwater for your property. It will guide you in choosing how best to find water,
how to obtain it and how to ensure it’s available where and when you need it.

Davey Pumps and Pressure systems have been used by Australians for over
55 years so once you have read this guide and recorded your details on the
questionnaire, you can depend on your Davey dealer to use the information to
recommend the best Davey product.


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Groundwater Guide