PreSonus AudioBox Stereo User Manual
Page 31

AudioBox™ Stereo User Guide
3. You’re now ready to export your mixdown.
Go to Song>Export Mixdown.
4. Set the location where you’d like your new audio file stored.
5. You can choose to publish your recording directly to
SoundCloud™ or Nimbit®. This will require both an Internet
connection and creating a free account with either
service. Nimbit provides you with the ability to sell your
recordings and fundraise and offers a customizable Web
portal for your institution’s Web site or Facebook page.
6. Chose the format you’d like to use. If you want to
upload your song to iTunes, select MP3. If you’d like to
burn your song to a CD or upload it to Nimbit, select
Wave. For both purposes, you do not need to change
the default settings for bit rate or sample rate.