PreSonus AudioBox Stereo User Manual
Page 26

Record in Studio One Artist
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the Channel 2 level. Ideally, the
two input meters in Studio One will be nearly identical.
4. Turn the Mix knob to the fully counterclockwise position so
that you are only listening to the audio being recorded.
5. Turn up the Headphone level until you can
listen at a comfortable volume.
6. If you are hearing too much or too little of any part
of the ensemble, you may wish to reposition your
microphones. Remember, if it doesn’t sound good in your
headphones, it will not sound good in your recording.
Power User Tip: Gymnasiums and other highly reverberent
environments reproduce low frequencies very efficiently. This can
sometimes translate to a low-end “rumble” in your live recordings.
If you are hearing too much low frequency build-up, try engaging
the high-pass filter on your PS626 microphones. To engage this
filter, slide the switch on each microphone to the middle position.
7. In Studio One, click Record.
8. When you are done, click the Stop button in Studio
One or press the Space bar to stop the recording.