Setting parameters, 2 connecting the setting tools, 1 settings related to input – Yokogawa JUXTA VJHK User Manual

Page 3: 2 settings related to alarm output

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IM 77J01H21-01E

3rd Edition : 2006.08.15-00

8.2 Connecting the Setting Tools

Connect the modular jack conversion adapter (E9786WH) to
the JUXTA communication cable with 5-pin connector
(F9182EE) and then connect this adapter to the communica-
tion connector of JUXTA.

Handy Terminal

JUXTA communication cable with
5-pin connector (F9182EE)
[Comes with VJ77 and JHT200]

Modular jack conversion
adapter (E9786WH)
[Comes with VJ77]

Dedicated adapter (E9789HA)
[Comes with VJ77]

Dedicated cable (E9786WK)
[Comes with VJ77]

PC with the
VJ77 installed

Fig. 8.2 Connecting the Setting Tools

Note: The modular jack conversion adapter does not

come with the JHT200 Handy Terminal.
It is sold separately.


Set the parameters using a PC (VJ77 PC-based Parameters
Setting Tool) or the Handy Terminal (JHT200). Refer to the list
of parameters in this manual and the user’s manual for VJ77
PC-based Parameters Setting Tool (IM 77J01J77-01E) or
JHT200 Handy Terminal (IM JF81-02E).

9.1 Settings Related to Input

9.1.1 Input Type

Select the input type from among VOLTS (DC voltage) and
CURRENT (DC current) in D16: INP TYPE.

9.1.2 Input Hard Range

Select the input hard range from among AUTO, HIGH,
MIDDLE and LOW in D17: SELECT RANGE. Generally, se-
lect AUTO.

AUTO: Sets the most appropriate input hard range auto-
matically with respect to the input range to be set.

HIGH: For a span of 5 V or more in an input range of


10 to +10 V DC

MIDDLE: For a span of 2.5 V or more in an input range


5 to +5 V DC

LOW: For a span of 0.5 V or more in an input range of


1 to +1 V DC

For current input, convert to the voltage value within the
range of 0 to 50 mA DC (input range x input resistance),
then apply the conditions above.


The conditions for the input hard range (HIGH,
MIDDLE and LOW) are specified for operations
within the range of accuracy rating. The input
range may be set to a range not meeting these con-
ditions, but take note of accuracy limitations.
Similar accuracy limitations exist even when AUTO
is selected. For more information on accuracy
limitations, see the general specifications of VJHK
(GS 77J01H21-01E).

9.1.3 Input Range

Set the 0% value of input range in D22: INPUT1 L_RANGE
and the 100% value of input range in D23: INPUT1
H_RANGE numerically within the specified range.

9.2 Settings Related to Alarm Output

9.2.1 Alarm Setpoint

Set the alarm setpoints of alarm 1 and alarm 2 in E03: SET
POINT1 and E04: SET POINT2 numerically.

Setting range: 0 to 100% of input range

Setting resolution: 0.1%

9.2.2 Direction of Alarm Action

Select the direction of alarm-1 action and that of alarm-2 ac-
tion from among HIGH ALM (high-limit alarm) and LOW ALM
(low-limit alarm) in E05: ALM1 ACTION and E06: ALM2 AC-

To activate alarm status when input signal



setpoint, select HIGH ALM.

To activate alarm status when input signal



setpoint, select LOW ALM.

9.2.3 Hysteresis

Set the alarm-1 and alarm-2 hysteresis in E09: HYSTER-
ESIS1 and E10: HYSTERESIS2. Hysteresis is a value
added to the alarm setpoint in order for an alarm status to be
released (to normal) after the alarm status has been acti-
vated. The alarm status will be released in the following con-
ditions, depending on the direction of alarm action.

When HIGH ALM (high-limit alarm) is set: Alarm is re-
leased when input signal < (alarm setpoint - hysteresis).


When LOW ALM (low-limit alarm) is set: Alarm is re-
leased when input signal > (alarm setpoint + hysteresis).

Setting range: 0 to 100% of input range

Setting resolution: 0.1%

9.2.4 Alarm ON Delay and Alarm OFF Delay

Set the alarm-1 and alarm-2 ON delays in E11: ON DELAY1
and E12: ON DELAY2 and then alarm-1 and alarm-2 OFF
delays in E13: OFF DELAY1 and E14: OFF DELAY2.
An alarm ON delay is the condition monitoring time from the
establishment of alarm conditions to its output; an alarm OFF
delay is the condition monitoring time from the establishment
of return-to-normal conditions to its output.

Setting range: 0 to 999 seconds

Setting resolution: 1 second (However, about 0.2 sec-
ond is to be added to the set time to prevent wrong op-

For example, when an alarm ON delay is set to 1 second,
alarm output is generated if alarm status continues for 1 sec-
ond or more after the input value exceeds the alarm
setpoint. Further, when an alarm OFF delay is set to 2 sec-
onds, alarm output is released if normal condition continues
for 2 seconds or more after the input value has returned to
normal from the alarm status.

9.2.5 Direction of Relay Action

Select the direction of relay energizing in alarm-1 normal
condition and alarm-2 normal condition from among NRM
DE-ENERGIZED (de-energized under normal condition) and
NRM ENERGIZED (energized under normal condition) in
E15: RL1 ACTION and E16: RL2 ACTION.