Yokogawa pH/ORP Retractable PH97 User Manual
Instruction sheet, Dynaprobe, Model ph97/dp ph sensor

1. Remove storage boot containing the
storage solution (3.8M KCl) by unwind-
ing the black sealing tape from the sen-
sor housing.
DO NOT remove the wetted fiber pack
from inside the storage boot.
2. Save the storage boot with fiber pack
for future use as a storage container
and bulb protector when sensor is not in
service. Be certain to use 3 to 4 M KCl
as the storage solution. Seal boot to
sensor with black electrician’s tape
using 3 to 5 complete wraps.
3. For first-time use after removing the
storage boot: Inspect the sensor for any
signs of breakage or shipping damage
and commence with Calibration Proced-
4. For sensors with replaceable o-ring
seals: All o-rings require proper lubrica-
tion. We recommend use of PARKER O
LUBE or equal for this purpose. Follow
the instructions provided with lubricant.
For best results we recommend that all
o-rings be replaced whenever sensor is
removed for service or inspection.
The Model PH97/DP pH sensor is de-
signed for use only with the Model PH87
retractable assembly. Please refer to the
Model PH87 retractable assembly install-
ation manuals for complete assembly,
installation, and service instructions.
Refer to the specific instructions for pH
sensor calibration described in the
instruction manual provided with the
EXA pH analyzer. These instructions will
include procedures for automatic and/or
manual calibration.
For best results it is recommended
to perform a two-point pH calibration
using NIST primary buffers.
Recommended Two-Point
Rinse the probe thoroughly with DI
water to remove all traces of storage
solution, process medium or previous
test solution to prevent “carry over” con-
tamination of the pH buffer solutions.
Thoroughly rinse the probe with DI
water after each buffer test.
• Always use “fresh” pH buffer solutions
for best results.
• pH buffer solutions above 7.0 pH are
less stable and have a very limited life.
These high pH buffers will more readily
absorb CO
from the atmosphere and
will typically change to a lower pH value
when left open.
• Keep in mind the the “older” a sensor
becomes, it will exhibit slower response
times and will become less efficient in
terms of its ability to span several pH
units with the same repeatability.
Used pH sensors which are physically
intact can sometimes be restored to an
improved level of performance. All pH
sensors have a given useful life span
depending on the conditions of use. One
of the following procedures may prove
helpful in restoring a used pH sensor.
1. Initial Cleaning: Wash with a solu-
tion of liquid detergent or enzyme deter-
gent and warm water by gently scrub-
bing with a soft toothbrush or soft tissue.
Follow with thorough rinse in DI or clean
tap water.
2. Inorganic Scale Deposits: Dissolve
the deposit by immersion of the sensor’s
measurement tip in dilute hydrochloric
acid for a few minutes. Repeat step #1
3. Organic Oil or Grease Films: Per-
form initial cleaning procedure. If film is
known to be soluble in a particular org-
anic solvent, wash with this solvent.
Repeat step #1 above. Depending on
the extent of the oil or grease contami-
nation, it’s possible that the liquid junc-
tion may be damaged beyond recovery.
Soak in 3 to 4M KCl solution for a mini-
mum of 30 minutes before recalibration
and returning sensor to service.
4. Plugged or Dry Liquid Junction:
Remove any observed contaminant with
one of the above procedures, then soak
in 3 to 4M KCl solution for a minimum of
30 minutes.
Never permit the pH sensor to dehy-
drate or dry-out. Always keep it in a wet-
ted environment especially when not in
• Cracked or broken sensors are not
Inspect cable and connector to en-
sure that the insulation integrity is intact
and that there are no signs of corrosion
or contaminants on the metal compo-
1. Short Term: Immerse sensor meas-
urement tip and liquid junction surface
areas in 3 to 4M KCl. If this solution is
not available, use 4.01 pH buffer, clean
tap water, or lastly, a sample of the pro-
cess being measured to keep the sen-
sor hydrated.
2. Long Term: Fill storage boot that the
sensor was originally shipped in with a
freshly prepared 3 to 4M KCl solution
and insert sensor. Seal boot to sensor
with black electrician’s tape using 3 to 5
complete wraps. The sensor should be
stored in an upright (vertical) position.
Model PH97/DP
pH Sensor
Yokogawa Corporation of America
2 Dart Road, Newnan, GA 30265
Tel.: 770-254-0400 Fax.: 770-251-6427
U.S. Patent 5,147,524
®DynaProbe is a registered trademark of
Broadley-James Corporation
Doc. Nr. L2531