0 application en 6.0 accessories en, 0 standard equipment – Nilfisk-ALTO Contractor Diesel User Manual

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4.0 Application


6.0 Accessories


ALTO’s diesel powered high pressure washers
can be used for all outdoor cleaning jobs for
which steam, hot or cold water is used.
Detergents can be used (see section 8.5)

4.1 Handling and Transport

When handling the machine with a fork lift truck,
be sure the forks extend completely under the
machine to prevent tipping. When lifting the
machine, a sling may be wrapped around the
upper frame tubes for lifting. Ensure that
personnel aren’t under or near the machine
during lifting. When transporting the machine in
a truck or trailer, be sure that it is secured
against sliding or tipping.

In order that you may make the most of your
high pressure washer, ALTO has produced a
very comprehensive accessory program,
including a pneumatic tire kit especially for the
Please feel free to contact your ALTO supplier
for further information.

5.0 Standard equipment

The machine is delivered with a double lance
and a spray handle with high pressure steam-
capable hose. The low pressure tube (pos. 30)
is fitted with a flat jet nozzle 6530* and the high
pressure tube (pos. 31) with a flat jet nozzle

*) The first two digits of the nozzle number refer
to the spray angle, in degrees. The last two
digits indicate the water flow in l/min. at a pres-
sure of 20 bar and a temperature of 20°C.

The actual nozzle orifice size are 0.63” (1.6
mm) for the nozzle 1506 and 0.142” (3.6 mm)
for the nozzle 6530. NEVER replace the
nozzles with those of a smaller size.
Maximum working pressure and temperature
rating are embossed on the ALTO hose. Use
only ALTO high pressure, steam-capable
hoses. In case of damage to your hose, DO
NOT attempt to repair the hose yourself! The
thrust (backwards turned force) on the nozzle
is approximately 12.5 ft/Ib (55 N).
Since the nozzles are mounted at an angle to
the lance, there will be a torque effect at the
handle when spraying. Always use two hands
when operating the spray equipment.