The setup tools, Positional control of the video source – Axis Communications AXIS 230 User Manual
Page 17

AXIS 230
Operating the AXIS 230
Positional Control of the Video Source
Pan/Tilt devices connected to the AXIS 230’s ports can be controlled directly from the web
interface, or by third-party applications. When using such a device, Pan and Tilt bars are
automatically displayed, as shown in the example below. Note that the selected Pan/Tilt
driver determines the actual layout of the controls. Other functions, not shown here, may
also be available.
•Pan/Tilt controls can be disabled in the Live View layout settings and might not be available in the
user interface.
•Clicking anywhere on a bar’s gradient allows for a “smooth” adjustment; whereas clicking on the
left or right arrows causes a stepped incremental change.
The Setup Tools
Clicking on the Setup link at the top left of the Live View page opens the Basic
Configuration page, which provides links to the basic settings required by most systems.
The settings found in the Basic Configuration section are described under the relevant
section in the following pages.
Pan bar
Allows smooth or stepped hori-
zontal panning of the camera.
Tilt bar
Allows smooth or
stepped vertical pan-
ning of the camera.
Home (H)
Returns the camera
to the ‘Home’ position.
Zoom bar
Allows smooth camera zoom between
telescopic and wide viewing.
Select Preset Position
To enable quick and accu-
rate camera positioning, up
to 20 preset camera posi-
tions can be set and
selected at any time from
the drop-down dialog.
Focus bar
Allows smooth focusing.
Auto button
Turns on automatic focusing.
Point and click to move the
view to a new location.