Client system requirements – Axis Communications AXIS 230 User Manual
Page 12

Installing the AXIS 230
AXIS 230
For Unix/Linux, enter the following: (note that you must be the root user.)
Example (for Linux):
In some Unix/Linux systems, the arp command can be located in a directory that is not
on the command path; e.g: /usr/sbin/arp
4. Now connect power to the camera. No more than 2 minutes should have elapsed since
the ARP command was run. Text similar to the following is then displayed in the
5. Press Ctrl+C to stop Ping. Ensure that the Power Indicator is permanently lit and that
the Network Indicator flashes intermittently. The IP address has been set. You can now
access the camera and set other parameters from the setup tools. Please see page 14.
Client System Requirements
Client computers that will be viewing the video stream from the AXIS 230 should meet the
following recommended hardware and software requirements:
• Pentium III (1.0 GHz processor or better) or AMD Athlon. 256 MB RAM.
• AGP graphics card with 32/64 MB video memory and support for DirectDraw®. Ensure that
the latest available driver is used.
• Sound Card (PCI based.)
• Windows® 2000 or Windows XP (with latest Service Pack.)
• Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher (with latest Service Pack.)
• DirectX® (latest version.)
• A media player (only required for viewing saved MPEG-2 files.)
c:\WINNT>arp -s 00-40-8c-18-10-00
c:\WINNT>ping ping -l 408 -t
>arp -s 00:40:8c:18:10:00 temp
>ping -s 408
c:\WINNT>arp -s 00-40-8c-18-10-00
c:\WINNT>ping -l 408 -t
Pinging with 408 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=408 time<10ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=408 time<10ms TTL=64