Avaya AP201 User Manual
Page 6

Meru Networks WLAN Controllers with AP100, AP201, AP208
Configuration Guide
Field Verified
Page 6
Security configuration
Meru Networks supports the following 802.11 security mechanisms for the wireless IP
telephone system
• Open
• WEP (64 or 128)
• WPA-PSK (WPA Personal)
For Open (no 802.11 security) use the default security profile provided which has the
“allowed-l2-modes clear” set.
Static WEP
Sample WEP security profile:
Sample WPA-PSK security profile:
Note that you may enter the WPA-PSK key as either a string or the hexadecimal representation
of the string. In the example above this could also have been entered as PSK key “getthek3y”.
Note that on wireless IP telephones, you may enter this in the string format or hex format.
Security-profile svp_wep
allowed-l2-modes wep
encryption-modes wep128
static-wep key 0x1234567891234567890123456
static-wep privacy auto
security-profile svp_wpapsk
allowed-l2-modes wpa
encryption-modes tkip
psk key 0x6765747468656B3379