Vanguard DigiTMR S2 PC User Manual
Page 5

CT Input
One non-contact AC current sensor is used to monitor circuit breaker on-line current for the
“on-line” timing mode.
Voltage Monitoring Input
One analog input channel, designated as (V1), is dedicated to monitoring the substation DC
supply or coil voltage (0-255 Volts, DC or peak AC). A second voltage input channel, designated
as V2, is dedicated to detecting voltage On/Off status (presence or absence). This input can be
used to monitor the status of an A/B switch.
Circuit Breaker Initiate Feature
A built-in solid-state initiate device is used to operate the circuit breaker from the DIGITMR S2
PC. Operational modes include Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, and Open-Close-Open.
Multiple operations such as Open-Close, Close-Open, and Open-Close-Open can be initiated
using a programmable delay or by sensing the circuit breaker’s contact condition.
Computer Interface
One USB interface port and an optional Bluetooth interface is available for computer-control.
Vanguard's Windows®-based Circuit Breaker Analyzer Series 2 (VCBA S2) software is included
with each DIGITMR S2 PC. The software can be used to control the unit, review test records,
and create circuit breaker test plans. Test records can be exported to PDF, Excel, and XML
format. All future software updates can be downloaded from the Vanguard web site at no
additional charge.