Vanguard TTRA-S2 (ATRT-03 S2, ATRT-03A S2, ATRT-03B S2, Tri-Phase) User Manual

Page 39

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5.9.2. Creating a Test Plan for a Load Tap Changer

To create a test plan for a load tap changer (LTC):

1. From the Test-Plan menu or the File menu, click on Create Test Plan, and then click on

Load Tap Changer. The following window will be displayed:

2. Enter the number of steps in the corresponding input box. This is the number of taps

above or below the neutral position of the tap changer. The test plan generated will
have this number of steps above and below neutral. The total number of steps will be
twice this number plus one (neutral).

3. Enter the fraction of 1% per step value in the corresponding input box. This defines how

each step voltage is raised or lowered. The value must be entered as a fraction.

4. Enter the H voltage at neutral. This is the high side voltage at neutral.

5. Enter the X voltage at neutral. This is the low side voltage at neutral.

6. Select the LTC tap location from the corresponding drop-down list. Select “Low” if the

LTC taps are located on the low side of the transformer winding. Select “High” if the LTC
taps are located on the high side of the transformer winding.

7. Enter the number of extra tests. This adds extra tests other than the ones automatically

generated by the TTRA-S2 program. An extra row will be added in the test plan for each
extra test.