E. tank sensor placement – HTP SSU-119SE User Manual
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LP-199 REV. 4.15.14
Only copper, cast iron, or brass are to be allowed in the collector piping loop due to transient operating temperatures that may reach as
high as 300
F. PEX, PVC, CPVC, and other polymers are expressly prohibited in the piping network of closed loop systems.
When making a connection to the heat exchanger, use Teflon Tape and joint compound to prevent leaks. The connections to the heat
exchanger are 1” NPT. Do not apply heat directly to the heat exchanger thread connection when sweating fittings.
Line pressure and temperature gauge shall be installed in the collector supply and return lines to allow for a simple diagnostic check of
proper system operation. On a sunny day, the hot water return line should be approximately 5
– 12
F warmer than the water in the
collector supply line. Compare the temperature readings in
the two line thermometers. The ¾” cold water supply line to the storage tank
must be insulated with a minimum 7/8” x ½” pipe insulation to a minimum distance of 5’ behind the storage tank, or to the wall if closer
than 5’.
Make sure the sensor is secured on the stud located in the lower section of the water heater. Secure the sensor by packing Armaflex
insulation behind it. This will also help the sensor react to temperature change.
Non-toxic freeze protection fluid must be used to protect the system from freezing. Use a mixture appropriate for your climate. Do not
use a higher glycol to water concentration than necessary, as this will adversely impact heat transfer efficiency. See the DowFrost
Data Sheet in the back of this manual for recommended concentrations. A copy of the MSDS sheet must be left with the end user of
the solar system. See
“EMERGENCY OVERVIEW” as part of the DowFrost Data Sheet in the back of this manual.
The collector loop must be charged with HTF. The use of regular tap water as a mixing agent is prohibited. Use distilled water as a
mixing agent ONLY. Regular scheduled maintenance must be established to monitor and maintain the proper pH level of HTF in the
system to protect the heat exchanger and other components in the system.
Listed below are components needed for installation of the solar water heater.
Solar Collector
Absorbs and transfers the sun’s energy into the solar heat exchanger located on the bottom of the solar water heater.
Solar Air Release Vent*
This air vent allows air contained in the solar system to release. The air vent valve must be designed to work in high temperatures (as
high as 350
F) with a glycol medium. (This is typical of solar systems.)
*Remove and cap the solar air release vent after commissioning the system.
Solar Collector Sensor
This sensor is wired to the solar controller and automatically turns on the circulator pump when the differential set point is reached
between the solar water heater and collector.
Tank and Heat Exchanger Temperature and Pressure Gauge
The temperature and pressure gauge on the solar piping will show the user the actual temperature and pressure supplied and returned
to the solar collector.
Check Valve
Helps minimize convective heat loss at night when the system is not operating. If a check valve is not installed, most of the heater
energy stored during the day would be transferred into the panel and lost.
Collector Isolation Valve (Valve #6)
Valve #6 and 11 (for solar collector isolation) isolates the collector loop from the solar water heater.
Pressure Relief Valve (for Solar System)
Releases pressure in the solar loop when it exceeds 150psi. Contact your installation contractor immediately if this valve opens
and releases fluids.
System Fill Valve (Valve #8)
Fills the system with HTF. Also eliminates air from the system.
Expansion Tank
Pre-charged with air to allow for the expansion and contraction of HTF.
Drain Valve (Valve #10)
Used to charge the collector loop with glycol, purge air from the loop and drain the solar water heater heat exchanger of fluid.
Collector Isolation Valve (for system fill) (Valve #11)
Used to direct the flow of HTF and to pressurize and eliminate air from the solar system.