Surrounding sliders – Sonic Charge Synplant User Manual

Page 5

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grow the branches, the more different from each other, and from the seed, the notes
will sound.

You can click the Key Ring surrounding the bulb to play notes without changing the
lengths of the branches.

Mod Wheel Ring

Using the mod wheel on your MIDI controller you can grow all the branches simulta-
neously. The

Wheel Scaling

slider determines how much the branches will grow. You

can also click and drag the dashed Mod Wheel Ring inside the bulb to achieve the
same effect.

Rotation Control

In the periphery of the bulb you find a smaller circle. This is the Rotation Control. By
dragging it, you can change which branches are triggered by which keys.

Tip: It is

great fun automating this parameter to have the notes constantly trigger slightly different

Surrounding Sliders

Surrounding the plant we find four important and easy accessible controls. Just as
with the branches, you can click any slider with the control-key



command-key ⌘


held down to reset it to its default. Holding down the shift key

while dragging gives you a finer resolution.


© 2014 NuEdge Development!


Figure 2 Surrounding Sliders



