Manual-sst-nj520(p176)-v1-p3 – SilverStone NJ520 User Manual
Page 4

2. Maximum peak total DC output power should not exceed 572W.
3. Peak power and current loading should be supported for a minimum of 1 second.
4. +3.3V, +5V and +12V DC output voltage should be within Figure 1 cross loading
range to meet regulation.
5. Ripple and Noise measuring with an oscilloscope with 20 MHz bandwidth in
Figure 1 cross loading range. Output should be bypassed at the connector with
a 0.1uF ceramic disk capacitor and a 10uF electrolytic capacitor to simulate
system load.The length of ground wire on probe should not longer than 40mm,
if a Non - differential type of scope was used.
The +5V & +3.3V combined load and +12VDC load shall remain within the defined
in section 2.0 over cross load combinations shown Figure 1:
2.2 HOLD-UP TIME: 16ms (minimum)
Test Condition: Full load. AC input 115V or 230V, 47Hz.
Step load changes up to 60% (12V) and 30% (3.3V and 5V) of full load, while
other loads remains constant within the rating. The load waveform shall be a
square wave with the slope of the rise and fall at 1.0A/usec and the frequency
shall be from 50Hz to 10kHz. The DC output voltage will stay within regulation
of ±5% during the step load changes.