Rivers Edge RE765 Universal Concealment Curtain User Manual
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Universal Concealment Curtain (RE765)
800-450-EDGE (3343)
You must attach your full body harness (fall arrest system)
tether to the tree before securing Universal Concealment
Curtain to the tree. Curtain components must be hoisted up
to your hunting platform only after being secure in the trees-
tand by your fall arrest system. Never climb with any hunting
components or accessory in your hand or on your back.
1. Place the tree mount weldment (48367) against the tree at desired
height with studs orientated upward and all four contact points of
mount against tree. The height of the rail is adjustable by where
you place the mount, however, you may want to set it as close to
the treestand seat/sitting area as possible so you do not feel it
against your back when leaning against tree. With ratchet strap
now in hand, hook "S" hook with long strap through hole provided
on tree mount weldment. Feed the long strap through the center
(slot) of ratcheting mechanism and back around through tightening
SEE FiGURES and 3.
nOte: Be sure YOu FeeD tHe lOnG strap COrreCtlY sO
tHere are nO tWIsts In tHe strap.
Wrap entire ratchet assembly around tree and hook other
"S" hook through opposite tree mount weldment hole.
Pull tail of long strap until most of the slack is taken out.
Be sure entire strap is even and at the same level all
around tree. "ratchet" tight to tree, this will securely at-
tach tree mount weldment to tree and prevent movement.
SEE FiGURES 3 anD 4. Be sure all four contact points
of mount are against the tree.
nOte: to release ratchet, simply pull the release lever
and open tightening lever wide open (flat).
2. Place the assembled shooting rail over the studs of tree mount
SEE FiGURE 4. Lubrication is recommended to prevent
binding and noise.
3. a. remove concealment curtain from the carrying bag. Use
caution when removing curtain as it will naturally want to pop
open due to its spring steel structure.
b. Orientate the curtain so that there is a circular panel on each of
the three sides of the rail frame. Attach the curtain to the shooting
rail frame by wrapping the edge with Velcro around rail frame/camo
pad and securing together.
c. Attach the strap with buckle (located in each lower corner of
curtain) to the treestand by wrapping strap around desired location
and securing together. Snap the side release buckles together and
pull straps tight to secure the curtain and help prevent movement
in windy conditions.
tree huggers
pull tail to take
out slack
tightening lever
release lever
feed through slot
back and forth
tree mount