Instructions – Farm Star HK-96 User Manual

Page 6

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The Models HK-95 hitch and HK-96 hitch adapter kits

are designed for the IHC/Farmall Model Super A, 100,
130, and 140 tractors.

NOTE: The Model HK-95 hitch kit is for the above trac-
tors equipped with a standard drawbar.

NOTE: The Model HK-96 hitch kit is for the IHC/Farmall
100, 130, and 140 tractor models equipped with one-
point fast hitch.

These kits use the existing hydraulic lift on the tractor to

raise and lower the 3-pt. hitch. NOTE: These tractors
must be equipped with a hydraulic lift and a rear lift
assembly on the back of the tractor.

2. Refer to the parts diagram and install the lift arms

(item #1) to the inside of the mounting plates (item #2)
as shown. Note that a lockwasher is installed on each
side of the lift arm ball. This is for proper spacing to
provide room for the arms to swing sideways for
attaching to an implement. Tighten the bolts (items #3
& 4) and nuts (item #6) securely.

3. Install the sway bar (item #17) to the R.H. lift arm bolt

just installed and secure it with the




-9NC hex nylock

nut (item #7). NOTE: Do not over tighten the nut as
the sway bar must be free to pivot.

4. Install the other sway bar (item #17) and the lift bar

(item #21) to the inside of the L.H. lift arm using the




” long bushing (item #29) and hardware items #22,

23 & 24. Attach the upper end of the lift bar to the trac-
tor lift arm using the




” long bushing (item #28) and

hardware items #25, 26 & 27. Tighten these bolts and
nuts securely. Install the carriage bolts, lockwashers
and nuts (items #18, 19, 20) to fasten the two sway
bars together.

5. Install the crank assembly (items #30 & 31) to the trac-

tor upper R.H. lift arm as shown on the parts diagram.

6. Install the top link bracket (item #8) to the tractor using

the U-bolts, lockwashers and nuts (items #9 & 10).
Install the top link barrel assembly and the hitch is
ready to use.


Three hole positions are provided on the lift arm mount-

ing plates (item #2) and five hole positions on the L.H. lift
bar (item #21). Choose the hole positions that best suit
your implement. Use the screw adjustment to level the
R.H. lift arm with the L.H. arm or to provide the proper
“pitch” for mounted plows. Adjust the top link assembly to
level the implement fore and aft.

The adjustable screw type top link can also be short-

ened or lengthened to adapt different implements and
can be used to obtain various degrees of pitch on the
implements you are using.

The stabilizer sway bars (item #17) should be used

whenever possible to add strength and rigidity to the

This kit is designed to lift up to 600 lbs., but, of course,

lifting capacity is dependent on the pressure and condi-
tion of the tractor’s hydraulic system. You will also find
that the closer the load is kept to the tractor, the more
you will be able to lift.


Check all bolts and nuts to be sure they are tight.
Periodically oil the following:

a. Top link (upper 3rd link) threads
b. Ball sockets
c. Leveling assembly threads

A S S E M B LY – HK-96

(Tractors with one-point hitch)

1. Bolt the lift arm mounting plates (item #7) on the inside

of each bullgear wheel housing using the existing
bolts. Be sure these bolts and lockwashers are in
good condition or replace them with new.

2. Refer to the parts diagram and install the lift arms

(item #1) to the inside of the mounting plates (item #7)
as shown. Note that a lockwasher is installed on each
side of the lift arm ball. This if for proper spacing to
provide room for the arms to swing sideways for
attaching to an implement. Tighten the bolts (item #8)
and nuts (item #10) securely.

3. Refer to the parts diagram and install the lift brackets

(item #2). The angle iron bracket (item #11) and bush-
ings (item #12) mount to the inside of the lift bracket
on the R.H. lift arm. Attach the existing tractor
stabilizer bar to the angle iron bracket using the other
bushing (item #12).

4. Attach the tractor lift arms to the lift bracket (item #2)

just installed, using the existing tractor hardware.

5. Refer to the parts diagram and install the top link

bracket (item #14) using the muffler clamp U-bolt (item

6. Install the top link barrel assembly and the hitch is

ready to use.


The adapter kit is shipped in knocked down condition so

as to command the lowest freight rates. Shipment
consists of 2 cartons for the HK-95 and 1 carton for
the HK-96.

Be sure tires and rims are in good condition. Inflate tires

to the proper recommended air pressure.

Check the tractor’s hydraulic system. Refer to your

tractor operator’s manual or dealer for any adjustments
necessary to put the hydraulic system in good working
order. (I&T shop manuals will list most specifications and
adjustment instructions – available from most farm
equipment dealers.)

Check the shield over the PTO stub shaft. Make sure it

is in good condition and bolted securely to the tractor.
Purchase a new shield if old shield is damaged or
missing. (You may have to use a tractor salvage yard for
replacement parts on older tractors.)

It is recommended that a ROPS (Roll-Over Protection

Structure) be installed on all tractors. Contact your local
dealer for ROPS for your tractor.

The rear lift assembly is pictured above. It was mount-

ed on the rear wheel fenders behind the operator’s seat.
It was used to raise and lower rear cultivator gangs and
a one bottom mounted plow. The rear lift assembly was
operated by linkage on the left side of the tractor going
forward to the left lift arm on the hydraulic lift system.

If your tractor is not equipped with these parts, you will

have to purchase them from a tractor salvage yard and
install on your tractor before the HK-95 hitch kit can be

Before installing the HK-95 adapter kit, it is necessary

to remove the existing drawbar assembly.

Before installing the HK-96 adapter kit, it is necessary

to remove the hitch beam with the one-point fast hitch

Check the threaded holes that go into the tractor hous-

ing and make sure the threads are in good condition and
that the holes are clean.

If an air hose is used to blow any loose rust or dirt

from the holes, be sure safety glasses are used to
prevent particles from entering an eye.

C A U T I O N !

A heavy load can cause instability in driving a trac-

tor. Make sure the front of the tractor is properly
counter-balanced with weights. Always drive slowly
– especially around turns. An unstable tractor could
steer badly and possibly tip over, causing injury or

C A U T I O N !

When using a 3-pt. hitch rear blade in a reverse

position (bulldozing), use extra care. DO NOT RAM
BLADE into dirt or packed snow piles! Tractor lift
arms and the blade are not built to take high impact
loads in this position. RAMMING backwards can also
dislodge operator from seat and/or tractor controls,
resulting in possible serious injury or death.

Always ease the tractor into the load. It may be

necessary to reposition and take less “bite” on the
material to move it safely.

Watch for and avoid hidden obstructions, i.e.,

buried pipes, rocks, concrete piers, uneven con-
crete slabs, stumps, etc., when operating. This is
especially of concern when removing snow.

C A U T I O N !

Be sure your tractor is in good condition and

properly equipped with counterweights. Read all the
safety precautions and make sure all tractor
operators are familiar with the safety rules of tractor

C A U T I O N !

Before installing the adapter kit on the tractor,

locate the tractor on a level surface, engage the
parking brake, shut off the tractor and remove the

W A R N I N G !

A S S E M B LY – HK-95

(Tractors with standard drawbar)

1. (Before assembling the kit it is necessary to remove

the standard drawbar from the tractor.) Bolt the lift arm
mounting plate (item #2) on the inside of each bullgear
wheel housing using the existing tractor bolts. (NOTE:
be sure these bolts and lockwashers are in good
condition or replace them with new.)

This manual is related to the following products: