Direct Lift PP8S User Manual
Page 21

3. Cables: Check wire rope cables for wear or damage. Any cable with broken wires, severe corrosion, ex
cessive stretch, deformed strands, variations in diameter (necking), or any change from
its normal appearance, must be replaced. If any cable is found to be in need of replacement, the
entire cable set must be replaced immediately. Refer to figures below.
4. Sheaves: Check sheaves (pulleys) for wear or damage, i.e. wobble (tilt), cracks, loose on pin, or excessive
noise during operation.
5. Sheave Pins: Check for loose or missing sheave (pulley) pins.
6. Locking Latches and Slack Cable Devices: Watch locking latches and slack cable devices during lift
operation to ensure that latches work properly and line up with slots in latch plate located in columns.
Monthly Inspection & Maintenance
1. Cables
1.1 Clean wire rope cables with lift in both lowered and raised position by spraying with Penetrating Oil and
wiping the cable down.
1.2 Adjust cables using procedures on following pages.
2. Slack Cable Device: Inspect slack cable devices using procedure on page 5.
3. Column Anchor Bolts: Check column anchor bolts for tightness. Re-torque anchors bolts to 65 ft/lbs. If
anchors do not tighten to the required installation torque, replace concrete under each column base per
installation instructions. Let concrete cure before installing lifts and anchors.
4. Columns: Look for corrosion, giving special attention to the area at the base of the column. Check severely
corroded areas by pecking with an awl or welder’s chipping hammer. If column is corroded through at any
point it must be replaced immediately. If not corroded through, remove old paint and rust scale, then coat
with a high quality corrosion resistant paint.
A thorough inspection of the lifting system must be performed quarterly by qualified lift service
personnel; more frequently (monthly) under extreme service conditions such as outside installations or high us-
age (10 or more cycles per day, etc.).
Quarterly Inspection & Maintenance
1. Cables
1.1 Inspect cables in both lowered and raised position. The cables may also be viewed through various
inspection holes and openings in yokes and runways. Check all the following:
a. That cables have no broken wires visible, reference Daily Inspection & Maintenance.
b. That cables are free of severe corrosion and pitting, reference Daily Inspection & Maintenance.