Frieling Sitram: Speedo Pressure Cooker’s User Manual
Page 22

After carefully washing, rinsing and drying the jars, fill them
with fruit, vegetables or meat plus juice or sauce to 1” from
the edge. Fill them to the edge with fruit or raw vegetables,
without syrup or juice.
Hermetically close the jars (it is recommended to fit new rub-
ber rings each time they are used).
Place the jars in the pressure cooker and isolate them from
each other with a cloth. Fill the pressure cooker to two thirds
of its height. Close the pressure cooker.
Place on a strong heat until the first steam appears. This is
the start of the cooking time (carefully comply with the times
indicated). As soon as the sterilisation time has elapsed,
plunge the pressure cooker in a container full of cold water
for one minute before opening.
Plain fruit
APRICOTS - PEACHES (17 minutes)
Wash, cut and remove the cores. Pack in the jar. Neither
water nor sugar.
CHERRIES (11 minutes)
Remove stalks, wash and drain, pack in the jar.
RED CURRANTS (11 minutes)
Remove stalks, wash and drain, pack in the jar.
PEARS (17 minutes)
Peel and cut into quarters, pack in the jar.