Recipes – Frieling Sitram: Speedo Pressure Cooker’s User Manual

Page 13

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10 oz of Conger eel - 10 oz of hake - 20 oz of whiting -
5 shallots - 1 small onion stuck with a clove - 8 oz of
tomatoes - 4 cloves of garlic - 1 glass of dry white wine
- 1.5 Qt of water - 1 spike of saffron - 1 bunch of mixed
herbs - salt - pepper - 1/4 of baguette - 2 oz of macaroni
or other pasta - 0.05 Qt of olive oil - 2 oz of gruyere

In the pressure cooker, lightly fry the fish cut into sections in
olive oil. Add the sliced shallots, garlic, crushed tomatoes
and mixed herbs. Season and sprinkle with saffron. Pour on
the white wine and add 1.5 Qt of hot water. Close the pres-
sure cooker. Cook for 15 minutes. Open and strain the soup,
crushing the flesh and fins as much as possible. Bring back
to the boil and add the pasta. Close and allow to cook for
another 3 minutes. Cut the baguette into rings, brown them
in oil and lay them in the plates. Serve the grated gruyere

6 oz of turnips - 8 oz of carrots - 6 oz of leeks - 10 oz of
potatoes - 2 oz of butter - 1.5 Qt of water - salt.

Slice the vegetables into fine threads, leave to exude juice
for 3 minutes in butter in the pressure cooker, add water and
salt. Close the pressure cooker. Cook for 15 minutes.

4 white of leeks – 10 oz of mushrooms – 0.25 Qt of veal
stock – 4 tablespoons of oil – 12 oz of potatoes – 10 oz
of cream – 1 handful of parsley – Salt – Pepper.

Peel and wash the vegetables, then cut them into thin strips.
Brown the white leeks in the oil in the open pressure cooker,
then add the mushrooms, potatoes and veal stock. Season
to taste with salt and pepper and close the pressure cooker.
Cook for 10 minutes. After cooking, stir the soup and add the
cream. Serve the soup sprinkled with parsley.

4 leek whites – 4 potatoes – 2.4oz of butter – 1 Qt of water.

Cut the leek whites into thin slices and put them in
the pressure cooker with the butter to brown.
Add the potatoes (which should also be
sliced into thin pieces) followed by
the water and add salt and pep-
per to taste. Close the
pressure cooker
and leave the
mixture to
cook for 10

