FEC AFC1100 User Manual

Page 17

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9.11.3 ANGLE REJECT conditions

THE ANGLe Reject LED will light for the following reasons:

1. A "REd" ANGLE Reject LED on the AXIS unit indicates a HIGH ANgle reject. THIS type of
reject is caused when the degrees of rotation the fastener turns after sensing the
Snug torque is in excess of the preset HIGH Angle limit as specified in the PARameters.
MAy cause a LOW TORQue reject.

CAUSES: EXCessive lubrication, thread obstacle, excessive joint compression.

2. AN "ORANge" ANgle display LED on the AXIS unit indicates a LOW ANgle reject. THIS
of reject is caused when the degrees of rotation the fastener turns after sensing the
Snug torque is below the preset LOW Angle limit as specified in the PARAmeters.

CAUSES: REDuced lubrication, thread obstacle, reduced joint compression.

9.11.4 TIME REJECT conditions

THe TIMe Reject LED will light for the following reasons:

1. A "RED" TIme Reject LED on the AXIS unit indicates a Final step Time Reject.

2. An "ORANGE" TIme Reject LED on the AXIS unit indicates a 1st step TIme Reject. May
cause a LOW TOrque Reject.


1. THE amount of time specified in the Parameters is insufficient.

2. THe socket did not engage the fastener properly.

3. THe fastener did not engage the workpiece properly.

4. The socket is split or damaged.

Chapter 9: Troubleshooting (Rev. 8/98)

Page 9-17