Elite Screens Reflexion Series User Manual
Reflexion series, Precautions, Portable floor pull-up projection screen

Rev. 091412-JA
Reflexion Series
Portable Floor Pull-up Projection Screen
User’s Guide
The Reflexion portable floor pull-up projection screen series is an easy to use product that has the
ability to be used as a free-standing projection screen. For best results, please read the checklist below
before using the Reflexion projection screen.
Use only manufacturer approved accessories with this product.
Keep this product dry and away from excessively humid operating conditions.
Avoid keeping the screen in direct sunlight; it is destructive to vinyl and plastic.
Do not touch the screen with sharp or abrasive objects.
In order to maintain cleanliness of the screen, use mild soapy water with a soft cotton cloth and
avoid unnecessary skin contact with the material.
Do not wash the screen material or its black masking with strong solvents.
Keep this product clear from an open flame or other heat sources.
The images below are an example of what not to do with the Reflexion series.