Electronics International UBG-16 User Manual
Page 9

3. Important Information and Initial Check Out:
Important Information and Initial Check Out:
Important Information and Initial Check Out:
Important Information and Initial Check Out:
Important Information and Initial Check Out:
A. The installer and aircraft owner must read the Warranty before starting the installation. There is
information in the Warranty that may alter your decision to install this instrument. If you do not accept
the terms of the Warranty, do not install this instrument.
B. If you are not an FAA Certified Aircraft Mechanic familiar with the issues of installing aircraft
EGT/CHT instruments, Do Not attempt to install this instrument. The installer should use
current aircraft standards and practices to install this instrument (refer to AC 43.13).
C. Check that any necessary FAA Approvals (STC's, etc.) are available for your aircraft before
starting the installation. A copy of the AML is located at the back of this manual. Resolve any
issues you may have before starting the installation.
D. Read the entire Installation Instructions and resolve any issues you may have before starting the installa-
tion. This may eliminate any delays once the installation is started.
E. Inspect the contents of this package prior to installation. Look for the following items:
1) Proper instrument (UBG-16 for a single engine, UBG-16T for a twin engine).
2) Correct length and number of extension cables (one for each temperature probe).
3) Correct number and type of temperature probes.
4) Correct Functional Modules (if required).
If you did not receive the proper instrument, probes, cables, functional modules or hardware for your
installation, contact either the dealer you purchased the instrument from or Electronics International Inc.
for assistance. In most cases E.I. can exchange parts for only the cost of shipping. Please have the
purchase date, dealer name and serial number of the unit available when you call.
F. Before starting the installation make sure the instrument will fit in the location you intend to
install it without obstructing the operation of any controls. Note: The UBG requires two non-
standard holes be drilled in the aircraft instrument panel outside the bezel area.
G. If this instrument is to replace an existing gauge in the aircraft, it is the installer's responsibility to move or
replace any existing instruments or components in accordance with FAA approved methods and proce-
Do Not use screws that penetrate
the instrument face more than
.125". Display damage may result.
Rev. A 12/29/04