PSA LIF5000 User Manual
Page 3

Locate an alarm for each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of
the bedrooms. Try to monitor the exit path as the bedrooms are usually far-
thest from an exit. If more than one sleeping area exit, locate additional
alarms in each sleeping area in the immediate vicinity bedrooms.
1.2 Locate additional alarms to MONITOR any stairway as stairways act like
chimneys for smoke and heat.
1.3 Locate at least one alarm on every floor level.
1.4 Locate an alarm in every room where a smoker sleeps.
1.5 Locate an alarm in every room where electrical appliances are operated (i.e.
portable heaters or humidifiers).
1.6 Locate an alarm in every room where someone sleeps with the door closed.
The closed door may prevent an alarm not located in that room from waking
the sleeper.
1.7 Smoke, heat and other combustion products rise to the ceiling and spread
horizontally. Mounting the alarm on the ceiling in the center of the room
places it closest to all points in the room. Ceiling mounting is preferred in or-
dinary residential construction.
1.8 For mobile home installation select location carefully to avoid thermal bar-
rier that may form at the ceiling. For more details see Mobile Home Installa-
tion (Section 2).
1.9 When mounting alarms on the ceiling locate it at least 300mm away from the
side wall and 300mm away from any corner. (see diagram)
When mounting alarms on a wall, use the inside wall. The recommended po-
sition is between 300mm and 500mm off the ceiling. (see diagram)
NOTE: The performance of smoke alarms mounted on walls is unpredictable
and this mounting position is not recommended when ceiling mounting can be
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