Installation – Poweramp HED SERIES HYDRAULIC User Manual

Page 14

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Manual No. 4111-0027

Sept. 2009

May 2012



A flush mount weld on application is used when an 8”

wide (minimum) embed channel is securely anchored

into the concrete at the dock edge, and the dock

height is adequate.

Installation Steps:

1. Remove all existing bumper material and

protruding objects from dock edge. Clean and

sweep dock edge free of debris and flammable

chemicals before installing unit.

2. At chosen location for Edge-of-Dock leveler,

locate the center of space and mark a point half of

the base plate width to the left and right.

3. Using a proper lifting device, raise and position

leveler on dock face with the top of the base plate

being flush with the top of the embedded channel.

Position ends of base plate to match up with

marks made previously.

4. Tack weld base plate to dock steel on left hand

end of the leveler. Check right hand end of base

plate, ensure that end is against dock steel and

that the top of the base plate is still flush with the

top of the embedded channel. Tack right hand end

to dock steel.

5. Position bump blocks out approximately 5/8” from

the edge of the inside flange of the bump block

to the end of the base plate. This will allow for

vertical welding of both the base plate and the

bump block flange back to the dock steel. Top of

the bump block cover plate should be flush with

the top of the embed channel. Tack weld bump

blocks to dock steel.

6. Check the positioning of the base plate and the

bump blocks.

7. Complete welding of tacked parts as follows:

A. Apply a continuous weld across top

of each bumper and base plate to dock

steel. Skip welding is acceptable to prevent


B. Weld vertically along each end of base plate

and on both inboard and outboard flanges of

bump blocks.

C. Fully plug weld all holes in base plate.

8. Installer must remove all welding slag, and repaint

welded areas.

9. Drill 5/8” dia. by 5” deep holes in concrete through

holes in lower cylinder mount, and install anchor

bolts with washers and tighten securely.

10. Field mount control box to inside wall. Field wire

control box and hydraulic power unit per electrical

schematic(s) provided. Read and comply with all

local electrical codes.

11. Before install is complete, installer must make a

final operational check of dock leveler to verify

all phases of install are correct. Installer must

complete, sign and return the Installation Checklist

upon completion. Reference page 24.

H.E.D. Installation Instructions - Flush Mount - Weld On


Pump should NOT be wired

while welding.