Control setting dialog, 14 control setting dialog – Avenview DVI-SPLITPRO-2BB User Manual

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1.14 Control Setting Dialog


Select main or sub channel for further settings

Clear All

Clear all OSD items


Apply the settings

Border Color

Setup border’s color by clicking on “Color Settings”

Border Width

Input border’s width

Border Type

The placemat of border has three types:
Inside means the added border is fully inside the video.
Outside means the added border is completely outside the video and this added border can overlay
the other video input.
Middle means the border half inside the video and half outside the video

Text Color

Select the color of the label by clicking on “Color Settings”

Text Auto

When selected the label on the screen for each channel will display its corresponding input channel
When not selected the user can input the desired string to be displayed

Duty Cycle

Enables blinking of OSD borders and labels


Select how fast OSD border and labels blink

*PAP Mode Only

*Only 15 English characters can be display